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Introduction to the Theory of PAPPI
Inside a Parasitic Gap Sentence

How to intepret the parse

There are many possible different ways to implement this sentence in the Principles-and-Parameters Framework. We will consider just one of the possibilities here.

which report appears to be simultaneously the object of both file and read, a problem for a simple wh-movement account. The parse obtained by PAPPI has the reading:

for which x, x a report, you filed x without you reading x

[We can deduce this by reading the indices determined by PAPPI off the tree shown above.
which report has index [1].
you has index [2].
The objects of both file and reading are empty NPs with index [1].
The subject of reading, PRO, has index [2].]

The theory of PAPPI supplied with the basic PAPPI distribution implements a simple model of functional determination for empty categories that results in the parse shown above, in which the wh-NP which report has moved from the object position of file leaving a trace, and the empty object of reading is a "parasitic gap" not formed through movement.

The history of movement can also be read directly off the tree in this case.

The empty object NP following reading is shown as NP-A-P[1] (a variable -A-P, but not a trace). Compare this gap with the coindexed empty object following file, which is shown as NPt-A-P[1]. This is also a variable; however, crucially the t indicates it's a trace formed through movement (its antecedent being the fronted wh-NP which report).

(An alternative formulation would be to have without select for a CP with an empty operator heading the chain ending at the object position of read. An exercise left for the reader.)

Behind the scenes

In the implemented theory, principles fit together like jigsaw pieces and conspire to eliminate the majority of hypothesized derivations, leaving, in many cases, a crack just wide enough to admit the predicted parse. The parasitic gap sentence is a good example of this.

If you run the sentence using the default parser, you will see it processes a total of 47 different candidate parses through a gauntlet of constraints and only one manages to emerge unscathed (the one shown above in which which report originates from the object position of file). The implemented constraints engage in a delicate conspiracy to eliminate all other movement chains possibilities.

[The admitted parse is tree number 37. You can see this by clicking on Trace Theory and checking the "Print After" option. All trees emitted by Trace Theory will subsequently be enumerated and printed in the main window in numbered order. Running the sentence again, you can see the parse obtained is output after "Exit Trace Theory: (37)" and before "Exit Trace Theory: (38)".]

You may wonder about whether the parser considered the possibility that:

  1. which report originated as the object of reading instead of file,
    and that the non-movement gap belongs to file instead of reading, or whether:

  2. which report visited the object positions of both file and read as it made its way to the front of the sentence.
The answer of course is that PAPPI considers and rejects both hypotheses in a principled fashion.

PAPPI's user interface allows us to drill down and see what happened to each of these possibilities.
Let's take the 2nd case first.

Case 2

In tree number 8 (shown below) out of 47, which report originates as the object of reading, moves up to occupy the object position of file, and then finally moves again to the specifier-CP position at the front of the sentence.

How is this derivation ruled out by PAPPI?

[The history of movement can be read off the tree by inspecting the chain feature as follows:

The empty object of reading has feature chain(NPt[1],last,[[vp,i1,i2,pp].[vp,vp]]).
This means it is the last element of a movement chain: its immediate antecedent is another trace NPt[1].
The antecedent can be reached by passing through the nodes on the path [vp,i1,i2,pp] up until the matrix VP node; then down through [vp,vp] to reach the empty NP that is the object of file.

In turn, the empty object of file has feature chain(NP[1],medial,[[vp,vp,vp,i1,i2,c1],[]]).
This means it is an intermediate trace with an antecedent reached by passing through the nodes [vp,vp,vp,i1,i2,c1] up until we reach the top of the tree where the head of the chain NP[1] which report appears.

NP[1] has feature chain([],head,[]) signalling that it is the head of the chain.]

To see what happens to tree number 8, select Trace Theory and check "Restrict Structures", type in 8 and hit Apply. This restricts Trace Theory to block all output except for tree number 8.

If we run the sentence again, it may come as a surprise to see that tree 8 is blocked at parser operation "Case Condition on ECs", which states that NP-traces must not receive Case. (This violation is reported at the bottom of the parse tree shown earlier.)

Looking at the case feature for the empty object of reading, we can see that it has accusative Case (acc) assigned by the verb. Since the object in question is a trace participating in A-movement, it is blocked.

Note: the exact tree reported above was produced by enabling "Print Before" for "Case Condition on ECs". This additional step is necessary in order to see the case(acc) feature since the tree output by Trace Theory is just a snapshot of the tree before Case has been assigned.

[We can also see by the numbers reported next to the parser operation that the computation stops at "Case Condition on ECs". There is exactly one tree going in (tree number 8) and zero trees coming out.]

Actually, it turns out tree 8 is also ruled out by the "Theta Criterion", which states that argument chains must receive exactly one theta role. To verify this, we can deactivate "Case Condition on ECs" by clicking on the filter and unchecking "Active". Then we can simply run the sentence again. The result is shown below.

Inspecting the theta feature for the which report movement chain, we can see that two out of the three elements in the chain have been assigned theta roles, and therefore it is excluded.

[To show the incoming tree with theta roles already assigned, "Print Before" has been enabled for the "Theta Criterion" parser operation.]

Case 1

Let us turn to consider the possibility that which report originated as the object of reading instead of file.
And that the non-movement gap in this case belong to the object of file instead of reading.

How is this derivation ruled out by PAPPI?

To do this, we have to load in a different parser. All of the parsers supplied in the PAPPI distribution compute the same final answers. In other words, their input/output behavior is invariant with respect to admissible parses. However, the parsers have important differences with respect to internal control structure, affecting their computational performance in obtaining the same parses.

The parser we've been using so far, namely, integrates Subjacency into Trace Theory, the parser operation responsible for chain formation, for computational efficiency. Despite the fact the parser considers a total of 47 trees, none of them contain cases of movement involving long chain paths containing two or more bounding nodes. This is the constraint imposed by Subjacency. (In English, the nodes NP and I2 count as bounding nodes.)

Let us proceed by loading, which is identical to the default, except that Subjacency is an independent operation.

[To load a new parser, use the Parsers menu. A dialog box will pop up. Command-click on the drop-down menu labeled "Go To" and select PAPPI_HOME. Then select]

Freed from the bounding node restriction imposed by Subjacency, Trace Theory produces a total of 73 candidate trees for our parasitic gap sentence.

It turns out that tree number 17 (shown below) is the one we're interested in. It's the only one where the empty object of reading, namely NPt[1], is coindexed with NP[1] which report, and the object of file is an empty NP that's not a trace.

By restricting Trace Theory to output tree 17 only, we can see it's blocked by Subjacency.

We can go further and determine whether Subjacency is solely responsible for keeping this derivation out in the implemented theory.
To do this, we simply switch Subjacency off and re-run the sentence. The parse tree produced below indicates that no other principle in the system blocks the parse from going through with the correct reading, repeated here:

for which x, x a report, you filed x without you reading x

In this case, the empty object of file, namely NP-A-P[1], is a non-trace and is licensed as a variable by being A-bar-bound by the c-commanding wh-NP which report.

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