New PAPPI: How to run the parser
How to switch a principle on and off

At start-up, the application window should look like this. To display the popup menu, mouse over the right blue tab.

[Click on image to enlarge.]

Assuming "load defaults" works correctly, you should see the initial window expand to the following extent:

[Click on image to enlarge.]

On the left is a list of parser operations that the system has loaded (from by default). Some of these operations are greyed out because the default parser has merged them into other operations for computational efficiency. The remaining (non-greyed) operations are instrumented and can be manipulated by the user. They are listed from the top on down in the order which they will be called.

Sentences can be typed into the dialog box immediately above the list of principles. Hit "return" on your keyboard to start parsing. Parse trees satisfying the linguistic principles defined in the system (or generated through tracing options) will appear in the main area on the right.

For example, a single (LF) parse is generated for the sentence John thought nobody liked Mary:

[Click on image to enlarge.]

Two parses are generated for the sentence Who that John knows does he like? due to referential ambiguity of the pronoun he.
By default, the parser displays only the last parse generated, i.e. LF(2).

[Click on image to enlarge.]

To see the first parse, click on LF(1).

[Click on image to enlarge.]

The (only) visible difference between the two parses lies in the index assigned to the pronoun he.

In LF(1), he and John are coreferential since they share the same index, i.e. [2].
In LF(2), he has index [4], and therefore is considered referentially distinct from John.

In the case of an ungrammatical sentence, such as *John to like Mary, the parser produces no tree:

[Click on image to enlarge.]

This is indicated by "no LF" and a greyed out "No Tree" in the main display.

However, this does not mean the system did not "parse" the sentence.

For example, note that the parser operation "Case Filter" has a 6 and 0 in line with it. The left number indicates the number of trees tested by the Case Filter. The right number, zero, indicates that all of these trees failed to pass the filter, which enforces the requirement that lexical noun phrases (NPs) must receive Case.

In fact, *John to like Mary is ungrammatical because John, as the subject of a matrix infinitival clause, fails to receive Case.

How to switch a principle on and off

We can confirm the assertion that the Case Filter is responsible (for the failure of the parse) because PAPPI permits us to switch off, or bypass, any (non-greyed out) parser operation.

To switch off the Case Filter, simply click on the name and select the "Turn off" option:

Re-running the example ungrammatical sentence without the Case Filter, the parse goes through as expected:

[Click on image to enlarge.]
(Note: the Case Filter loses the call/successes numbers and its name is rendered in light red.)

Note also that the infinitival marker to is not spelled out in the current implementation. It is rendered as a feature inf([]) appearing on the inflectional head I.

By clicking on the tree node associated with the NP John, we can see that its Case feature is indeed unvalued:
(Note: _G1145 is a Prolog variable.)

[Click on image to enlarge.]

We can contrast this with the tree node associated with the direct object NP Mary (shown above on the right). The case feature has its slot filled with the value acc (denoting accusative Case).

To switch the Case Filter back on, simply click on the name again and select "Turn on":

[Click on image to enlarge.]

The counters will be zeroed when the next sentence is run.


To manually reset all counters back to zero, click on call/successes and select the "zero counters" option:

Last modified: Mon Apr 28 22:32:01 MST 2014